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  Yacht Charter in Venice | Boat itineraries in Venice

A sailing holiday in the Venice Lagoon offers an unsuspected variety of itineraries: not only the splendor of the Serenissima, which in itself is worth the trip, a unique city in the world, but also a series of wonderful places. The particular conformation of the lagoon has in fact allowed the development of an exceptional native flora and fauna, immersed in the uncontaminated nature of the strips of land, canals and islets. These are to be discovered one by one: in some important urban centers have developed, such as Murano and Burano, others used for specific uses (the island of the cemetery, that of the asylum, that of the monastery), finally others have remained silent lands and desolate, suspended between water and sky, endowed with an eternal charm. The arrival in Venice by boat is a unique spectacle: the iconic profile of the bell tower of San Marco and the refined facade of the Doge's Palace leave you speechless. The Giudecca Canal is very busy with boats of all kinds, so it is better to moor and visit the city on foot (or with the efficient public transport on the water). The sestieri of Venice have maintained the ancient subdivision: San Marco, Dorsoduro, San Polo, Santa Croce, Cannaregio and Castello, which dissect the surface of the city, which from above has the shape of a fish with its tail facing east and the belly to the south where there is Piazza San Marco.
You can visit the evocative streets, fields, canals, churches and museums, the Scuole Grandi, the Arsenale, the noble palaces, with unforgettable views. The best tactic is to get lost in the maze of alleys and foundations to savor the authenticity and escape the mass of tourists. At the eastern end, the less crowded area of ​​Castello offers beautiful views and a large garden (this is the entrance to the Biennale of contemporary art, the most important world exhibition that takes place in odd years)
The Giudecca island extends from the source of San Marco, a typical example of an area not yet invaded by tourism, with many local residents, closed to the west by the neo-gothic Stucky mill, recently renovated for private residences and a hotel.
Next to Giudecca, the tiny and suggestive island of San Giorgio, dominated by the Palladian basilica of the same name, which acts as a counterpoint to the profile of San Marco on the other side.
Leaving the Serenissima, we meet Murano not far away, which is a small Venice. Here the presence of artisan activities is predominant, especially the processing of blown glass which has a quality recognized throughout the world. The glass museum is extraordinary, which traces the history of it from the Romans to the present day, with a very rich exhibition of artifacts and very precious objects. Not far from the island of Certosa and Sant'Erasmo, considered the vegetable garden of Venice.
Heading north, we can reach Burano, a small fairy-tale village on the water, with its picturesque colorful houses. With every climate and light, the contrast between the colors of the buildings, the waters and the sky, makes the visit unforgettable. Not far away, Torcello, a small almost uninhabited island. In the evocative silence of nature, stands the medieval historic complex, once lush and lively, consisting of the Basilica of Santa Maria, the remains of the Baptistery and the church of Santa Fosca.
The southern part of the lagoon offers a vast expanse of waters between the land and the long and narrow islands of Lido and Pellestrina, to constitute a barrier to the sea. The first is the glamorous place par excellence, especially at the beginning of September with the Mostra del Cinema. Lido has a modern center, shops and clubs and a very long golden beach on the sea side. Pellestrina, on the other hand, has a more rural nature: it seems to go back in time when we see the ladies sitting at the window and embroidering lace. The houses face the lagoon and the fishing boats are stationed on the piers. The visit to the inland waters in this area includes the island of the Armenians, a tiny emerged land entirely occupied by the monastery complex and its garden: it is one of the most important centers in Europe for Armenian culture. Finally San Servolo: the island where the mentally ill were imprisoned, today an interesting destination for a walk and a visit to the asylum museum.
Venice and its lagoon by boat is a continuous emotion: on our website there are many proposals for sailing boats, catamarans and motor boats. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information!